Source code for orsopy.fileio.base

Implementation of the base classes for the ORSO header.

import datetime
import json
import os.path
import pathlib
import re
import sys
import warnings

from import Mapping
from contextlib import contextmanager
from copy import deepcopy
from enum import Enum
from inspect import isclass
from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, List, Optional, TextIO, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import yaml
import yaml.constructor

# typing stuff introduced in python 3.8
    from typing import Literal, get_args, get_origin
except ImportError:
    from .typing_backport import Literal, get_args, get_origin

from ..dataclasses import (_FIELD, _FIELD_INITVAR, _FIELDS, _HAS_DEFAULT_FACTORY, _POST_INIT_NAME, MISSING, _create_fn,
                           _field_init, _init_param, _set_new_attribute, dataclass, field, fields)

def _noop(self, *args, **kw):

yaml.emitter.Emitter.process_tag = _noop

# make sure that datetime strings get loaded as str not datetime instances
] = yaml.constructor.SafeConstructor.yaml_constructors[",2002:str"]

def _custom_init_fn(fieldsarg, frozen, has_post_init, self_name, globals):
    _init_fn from dataclasses adapted to accept additional keywords.
    See dataclasses source for comments on code.
    seen_default = False
    for f in fieldsarg:
        if f.init:
            if not (f.default is MISSING and f.default_factory is MISSING):
                seen_default = True
            elif seen_default:
                raise TypeError(f"non-default argument {!r} " "follows default argument")

    locals = {f"_type_{}": f.type for f in fieldsarg}

    body_lines = []
    for f in fieldsarg:
        line = _field_init(f, frozen, locals, self_name)
        if line:

    if has_post_init:
        params_str = ",".join( for f in fieldsarg if f._field_type is _FIELD_INITVAR)

    # processing of additional user keyword arguments
    body_lines += ["for k,v in user_kwds.items():", "    setattr(self, k, v)"]

    return _create_fn(
        [self_name] + [_init_param(f) for f in fieldsarg if f.init] + ["**user_kwds"],

[docs]def orsodataclass(cls: type): attrs = cls.__dict__ bases = cls.__bases__ if "__annotations__" in attrs and len([k for k in attrs["__annotations__"].keys() if not k.startswith("_")]) > 0: # only applies to dataclass children of Header # add optional comment attribute, needs to come last attrs["__annotations__"]["comment"] = Optional[str] setattr(cls, "comment", field(default=None)) # create the _orso_optional attribute orso_optionals = [] for fname, ftype in attrs["__annotations__"].items(): if type(None) in get_args(ftype): orso_optionals.append(fname) for base in bases: if hasattr(base, "_orso_optionals"): orso_optionals += getattr(base, "_orso_optionals") setattr(cls, "_orso_optionals", orso_optionals) out = dataclass(cls, repr=False, init=False) fieldsarg = getattr(out, _FIELDS) # Generate custom __init__ method that allows arbitrary extra keyword arguments has_post_init = hasattr(out, _POST_INIT_NAME) # Include InitVars and regular fields (so, not ClassVars). flds = [f for f in fieldsarg.values() if f._field_type in (_FIELD, _FIELD_INITVAR)] init_fun = _custom_init_fn(flds, False, has_post_init, "self", globals()) _set_new_attribute(out, "__init__", init_fun) return out else: return cls
[docs]class ORSOResolveError(ValueError): pass
[docs]class OrsoDumper(yaml.SafeDumper):
[docs] def represent_data(self, data): if hasattr(data, "yaml_representer"): return data.yaml_representer(self) elif isinstance(data, datetime.datetime): value = data.isoformat("T") return super().represent_scalar(",2002:timestamp", value) elif np.isscalar(data) and hasattr(data, "item"): # If data is a numpy scalar, convert to a python object return super().represent_data(data.item()) else: return super().represent_data(data)
unit_registry = None
[docs]@orsodataclass class ErrorValue(Header): """ Information about errors on a value. """ error_value: float error_type: Optional[Literal["uncertainty", "resolution"]] = None value_is: Optional[Literal["sigma", "FWHM"]] = None distribution: Optional[Literal["gaussian", "triangular", "uniform", "lorentzian"]] = None yaml_representer = Header.yaml_representer_compact @property def sigma(self): """ Return value converted to standard deviation. The conversion factors can be found in common statistics and experimental physics text books or derived manually solving the variance definition integral. (e.g. Dekking, Michel (2005). A modern introduction to probability and statistics : understanding why and how. Springer, London, UK:) Values and some references available on Wikipedia, too. """ if self.value_is == "FWHM": from math import log, sqrt value = self.error_value if self.distribution in ["gaussian", None]: # Solving for the gaussian function = 0.5 yields: return value / (2.0 * sqrt(2.0 * log(2.0))) elif self.distribution == "triangular": # See solution of integral e.g. # what-is-the-proof-for-variance-of-triangular-distribution/4273147#4273147 # setting c=0 and a=b=FWHM for the symmetric triangle around 0. return value / sqrt(6.0) elif self.distribution == "uniform": # Variance is just the integral of x² from -0.5*FWHM to 0.5*FWHM => 1/12. return value / sqrt(12.0) elif self.distribution == "lorentzian": raise ValueError("Lorentzian distribution does not have a sigma value") else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown distribution {self.distribution}") else: # Value is already sigma return self.error_value
[docs]@orsodataclass class Value(Header): """ A value or list of values with an optional unit. """ magnitude: float unit: Optional[str] = field(default=None, metadata={"description": "SI unit string"}) error: Optional[ErrorValue] = None yaml_representer = Header.yaml_representer_compact def __repr__(self): """ Make representation more readability by removing names of default arguments. """ output = super().__repr__() output = output.replace("magnitude=", "") output = output.replace("unit=", "") return output
[docs] def as_unit(self, output_unit): """ Returns the value as converted to the given unit. """ if output_unit == self.unit: return self.magnitude global unit_registry if unit_registry is None: import pint unit_registry = pint.UnitRegistry() val = self.magnitude * unit_registry(self.unit) return
[docs]@orsodataclass class ComplexValue(Header): """ A value or list of values with an optional unit. """ real: float imag: Optional[float] = None unit: Optional[str] = field(default=None, metadata={"description": "SI unit string"}) error: Optional[ErrorValue] = None yaml_representer = Header.yaml_representer_compact def __repr__(self): """ Make representation more readability by removing names of default arguments. """ output = super().__repr__() output = output.replace("real=", "") output = output.replace("imag=", "") output = output.replace("unit=", "") return output
[docs] def as_unit(self, output_unit): """ Returns the complex value as converted to the given unit. """ if self.imag is None: value = self.real + 0j else: value = self.real + 1j * self.imag if output_unit == self.unit: return value global unit_registry if unit_registry is None: import pint unit_registry = pint.UnitRegistry() val = value * unit_registry(self.unit) return
[docs]@orsodataclass class ValueRange(Header): """ A range or list of ranges with mins, maxs, and an optional unit. """ min: float max: float unit: Optional[str] = field(default=None, metadata={"description": "SI unit string"}) yaml_representer = Header.yaml_representer_compact
[docs] def as_unit(self, output_unit): """ Returns a (min, max) tuple of values as converted to the given unit. """ if output_unit == self.unit: return (self.min, self.max) global unit_registry if unit_registry is None: import pint unit_registry = pint.UnitRegistry() vmin = self.min * unit_registry(self.unit) vmax = self.max * unit_registry(self.unit) return (,
[docs]@orsodataclass class ValueVector(Header): """ A vector or list of vectors with an optional unit. For vectors relating to the sample, such as polarisation, the follow definitions are used. :param x: is defined as parallel to the radiation beam, positive going with the beam direction. :param y: is defined from the other two based on the right hand rule. :param z: is defined as normal to the sample surface, positive direction in scattering direction. :param unit: SI unit string. """ x: float y: float z: float unit: Optional[str] = field(default=None, metadata={"description": "SI unit string"}) error: Optional[ErrorValue] = None yaml_representer = Header.yaml_representer_compact
[docs] def as_unit(self, output_unit): """ Returns a (x, y, z) tuple of values as converted to the given unit. """ if output_unit == self.unit: return (self.x, self.y, self.z) global unit_registry if unit_registry is None: import pint unit_registry = pint.UnitRegistry() vx = self.x * unit_registry(self.unit) vy = self.y * unit_registry(self.unit) vz = self.z * unit_registry(self.unit) return (,,
[docs]@orsodataclass class Person(Header): """ Information about a person, including name, affilation(s), and contact information. """ name: str affiliation: str contact: Optional[str] = field(default=None, metadata={"description": "Contact (email) address"})
[docs]@orsodataclass class Column(Header): """ Information about a data column. """ name: str unit: Optional[str] = field(default=None, metadata={"description": "SI unit string"}) physical_quantity: Optional[str] = field( default=None, metadata={"physical_quantity": "A description of the column"} ) yaml_representer = Header.yaml_representer_compact
[docs]@orsodataclass class ErrorColumn(Header): """ Information about a data column. """ error_of: str error_type: Optional[Literal["uncertainty", "resolution"]] = None value_is: Optional[Literal["sigma", "FWHM"]] = None distribution: Optional[Literal["gaussian", "triangular", "uniform", "lorentzian"]] = None yaml_representer = Header.yaml_representer_compact @property def name(self): """ A convenience property to allow programs to get a valid name attribute for any column. """ return f"s{self.error_of}" @property def to_sigma(self): """ The multiplicative factor needed to convert a FWHM to sigma. The conversion factors can be found in common statistics and experimental physics text books or derived manually solving the variance definition integral. (e.g. Dekking, Michel (2005). A modern introduction to probability and statistics : understanding why and how. Springer, London, UK:) Values and some references available on Wikipedia, too. """ if self.value_is == "FWHM": from math import log, sqrt if self.distribution in ["gaussian", None]: # Solving for the gaussian function = 0.5 yields: return 1.0 / (2.0 * sqrt(2.0 * log(2.0))) elif self.distribution == "triangular": # See solution of integral e.g. # what-is-the-proof-for-variance-of-triangular-distribution/4273147#4273147 # setting c=0 and a=b=FWHM for the symmetric triangle around 0. return 1.0 / sqrt(6.0) elif self.distribution == "uniform": # Variance is just the integral of x² from -0.5*FWHM to 0.5*FWHM => 1/12. return 1.0 / sqrt(12.0) elif self.distribution == "lorentzian": raise ValueError("Lorentzian distribution does not have a sigma value") else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown distribution {self.distribution}") else: # Value is already sigma return 1.0
[docs]@orsodataclass class File(Header): """ A file with file path and a last modified timestamp. """ file: str timestamp: Optional[datetime.datetime] = field( default=None, metadata={ "description": "Last modified timestamp. If it's not specified," " then an attempt will be made to check on the file" " itself" }, ) def __post_init__(self): """ Assigns a timestamp for file creation if not defined. """ Header.__post_init__(self) if self.timestamp is None: fname = pathlib.Path(self.file) if fname.exists(): self.timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(fname.stat().st_mtime)
[docs]class NotOrsoCompatibleFileError(ValueError): pass
def _read_header_data(file: Union[TextIO, str], validate: bool = False) -> Tuple[List[dict], list, str]: """ Reads the header and data contained within an ORSO file, parsing it into json dictionaries and numerical arrays. Parameters ---------- :param file: File to read. :param validate: Validates the file against the ORSO json schema. Requires that the jsonschema package be installed. :return: The tuple contains: - First item is a list of json dicts containing the parsed yaml header. This has to be processed further. - Second item is a Python list containing numpy arrays holding the reflectometry data in the file. It's contained in a list because each of the datasets may have a different number of columns. - Final item is the ORSO version string. """ with _possibly_open_file(file, "r") as fi: header = [] # collection of the numerical arrays data = [] _ds_lines = [] first_dataset = True for i, line in enumerate(fi.readlines()): if not line.startswith("#"): # ignore empty lines if line.strip() != "": _ds_lines.append(line) continue if line.startswith("# data_set") and first_dataset: header.append(line[1:]) first_dataset = False elif line.startswith("# data_set") and not first_dataset: # a new dataset is starting. Complete the previous dataset's # numerical array and start collecting the numbers for this # dataset _d = np.array([np.fromstring(v, dtype=float, sep=" ") for v in _ds_lines]) data.append(_d) _ds_lines = [] # append '---' to signify the start of a new yaml document # Subsequent datasets get parsed into a separate dictionary, # which can be used to synthesise new datasets from the first. header.append("---\n") header.append(line[1:]) else: header.append(line[1:]) # append the last numerical array _d = np.array([np.fromstring(v, dtype=float, sep=" ") for v in _ds_lines]) data.append(_d) yml = "".join(header) # first line of an ORSO file should have the magic string pattern = re.compile( r"^(# ORSO reflectivity data file \| ([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*|\.[0-9]+)" r" standard \| YAML encoding \| https://www\.reflectometry\.org/)$" ) if len(header) < 1 or not pattern.match(header[0].lstrip(" ")): raise NotOrsoCompatibleFileError("First line does not appear to match that of an ORSO file") version = re.findall(r"([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*|\.[0-9]+)+?", header[0])[0] dcts = yaml.safe_load_all(yml) # synthesise json dicts for each dataset from the first dataset, and # updates to the yaml. first_dct = next(dcts) dct_list = [_nested_update(deepcopy(first_dct), dct) for dct in dcts] dct_list.insert(0, first_dct) if validate: # requires jsonschema be installed _validate_header_data(dct_list) return dct_list, data, version def _validate_header_data(dct_list: List[dict]): """ Checks whether a json dictionary corresponds to a valid ORSO header. Obtain these dct_list by loading from _read_header_data first. :param dct_list: Dicts corresponding to parsed yaml headers from the ORT file. :raises ValueError: When the first four columns are not named correctly (i.e. :code:`'Qz'`, :code:`'R'`, :code:`'sR'`, :code:`'sQz'`). :raises ValueError: When the units for the :code:`'Qz'` column is not :code:`'1/angstrom'`. :raises ValueError: When the units for columns :code:`'Qz'` and :code:`'sQz'` are not the same. """ import jsonschema req_cols = ["Qz", "R", "sR", "sQz"] acceptable_Qz_units = ["1/angstrom", "1/nm"] pth = os.path.dirname(__file__) schema_pth = os.path.join(pth, "schema", "refl_header.schema.json") with open(schema_pth, "r") as f: schema = json.load(f) for dct in dct_list: jsonschema.validate(dct, schema) # Validate the column names. Ideally this is done with the jsonschema, # but it's difficult to create a schema from the 'default' orsopy # dataclasses that does that. It is possible but it requires extra # column objects like Qz_column, R_column, etc. cols = dct["columns"] ncols = min(4, len(cols)) col_names = [col["name"] if "name" in col else "s" + col["error_of"] for col in cols] units = [col.get("unit") for col in cols] if col_names[:ncols] != req_cols[:ncols]: raise ValueError("The first four columns should be named" " 'Qz', 'R', ['sR', ['sQz']]") if units[0] not in acceptable_Qz_units: raise ValueError("The Qz column must have units of '1/angstrom'" " or '1/nm'") @contextmanager def _possibly_open_file(f: Union[TextIO, str], mode: str = "wb") -> Generator[TextIO, None, None]: """ Context manager for files. :param f: If `f` is a file, then yield the file. If `f` is a str then open the file and yield the newly opened file. On leaving this context manager the file is closed, if it was opened by this context manager (i.e. `f` was a string). :param modes: An optional string that specifies the mode in which the file is opened. :yields: On leaving the context manager the file is closed, if it was opened by this context manager. """ close_file = False if (hasattr(f, "read") and hasattr(f, "write")) or f is None: g = f else: g = open(f, mode) close_file = True yield g if close_file: g.close() def _todict(obj: Any, classkey: Any = None) -> dict: """ Recursively converts an object to a dict representation Licenced under CC BY-SA 4.0 :param obj: Object to convert to dict representation. :param classkey: Key to be assigned to class objects. :return: Dictionary representation of object. """ if isinstance(obj, dict): data = {} for (k, v) in obj.items(): data[k] = _todict(v, classkey) return data elif isinstance(obj, Enum): return obj.value elif hasattr(obj, "_ast"): return _todict(obj._ast()) elif hasattr(obj, "__iter__") and not isinstance(obj, str): return [_todict(v, classkey) for v in obj] elif hasattr(obj, "__dict__"): data = dict( [ (key, _todict(value, classkey)) for key, value in obj.__dict__.items() if not callable(value) and not key.startswith("_") ] ) if classkey is not None and hasattr(obj, "__class__"): data[classkey] = obj.__class__.__name__ return data else: return obj def _nested_update(d: dict, u: dict) -> dict: """ Nested dictionary update. :param d: Dictionary to be updated. :param u: Dictionary where updates should come from. :return: Updated dictionary. """ for k, v in u.items(): if isinstance(d, Mapping): if isinstance(v, Mapping): r = _nested_update(d.get(k, {}), v) d[k] = r else: d[k] = u[k] else: d = {k: u[k]} return d def _dict_diff(old: dict, new: dict) -> dict: """ Recursive find differences between two dictionaries. :param old: Original dictionary. :param new: New dictionary to find differences in. :return: Dictionary containing values present in :py:attr:`new` that are not in :py:attr:`old`. """ out = {} for key, value in new.items(): if key in old: if type(value) is dict: diff = _dict_diff(old[key], value) if diff == {}: continue else: out[key] = diff elif old[key] == value: continue else: out[key] = value else: out[key] = value for key in [ki for ki in old.keys() if ki not in new]: out[key] = None return out