Source code for orsopy.fileio.orso

Implementation of the top level class for the ORSO header.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, List, Optional, TextIO, Union

import numpy as np
import yaml

from .base import (Column, ErrorColumn, Header, _dict_diff, _nested_update, _possibly_open_file, _read_header_data,
from .data_source import DataSource
from .reduction import Reduction

    f"# ORSO reflectivity data file | {ORSO_VERSION} standard " "| YAML encoding |"

[docs]@orsodataclass class Orso(Header): """ The Orso object collects the necessary metadata. :param data_source: Information about the origin and ownership of the raw data. :param reduction: Details of the data reduction that has been performed. The content of this section should contain enough information to rerun the reduction. :param columns: Information about the columns of data that will be contained in the file. :param data_set: An identifier for the data set, i.e. if there is more than one data set in the object. """ data_source: DataSource reduction: Reduction columns: List[Union[Column, ErrorColumn]] data_set: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None __repr__ = Header._staggered_repr def __init__( self, data_source: DataSource, reduction: Reduction, columns: List[Union[Column, ErrorColumn]], data_set: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, **user_data, ): self.data_source = data_source self.reduction = reduction self.columns = columns self.data_set = data_set self.__post_init__() # additional keywords used to add fields to the file header # some recreation does not work when using the attribute directly so it's wrapped in a property self._user_data = user_data
[docs] @classmethod def empty(cls) -> "Orso": """ Create an empty instance of the ORSO header with all non-optional attributes as :code:`None`. :return: Empty Orso class, within minimum required columns """ res = super(Orso, cls).empty() res.columns = [Column("Qz", "1/angstrom"), Column("R")] return res
@property def user_data(self): return self._user_data @user_data.setter def user_data(self, value): if not type(value) is dict: raise ValueError("user_data has to be a dictionary") self._user_data = value
[docs] def column_header(self) -> str: """ An information string that explains what each of the columns in a dataset corresponds to. :return: Explanatory string. """ out = "# " for ci in self.columns: if isinstance(ci, Column): if ci.unit is None: out += f"{<23}" else: out += f"{f'{} ({ci.unit})':<23}" else: out += f"s{ci.error_of:<22}" if ci is self.columns[0]: # strip two characters from first column to align out = out[:-4] return out[:-1]
[docs] def from_difference(self, other_dict: dict) -> "Orso": """ Constructs another :py:class:`Orso` instance from self, and a dict containing updated header information. :param other_dict: Contains updated header information. :return: A new :py:class:`Orso` object constructed from self, and the updated header information. """ # recreate info from difference dictionary output = self.to_dict() output = _nested_update(output, other_dict) return Orso(**output)
[docs] def to_difference(self, other: "Orso") -> dict: """ A dictionary containing the difference in header information between two :py:class:`Orso` objects. :param other: Other header to diff with. :return: Dictionary of the header information difference. """ # return a dictionary of differences to other object my_dict = self.to_dict() other_dict = other.to_dict() out_dict = _dict_diff(my_dict, other_dict) return out_dict
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Adds the user data to the returned dictionary. """ out = super().to_dict() out.update(self._user_data) # put columns at the end of the dictionary cols = out.pop("columns") out["columns"] = cols return out
def _to_object_dict(self): out = super()._to_object_dict() out.update(self._user_data) # put columns at the end of the dictionary cols = out.pop("columns") out["columns"] = cols return out
[docs]@dataclass class OrsoDataset: """ :param info: The header information for the reflectivity measurement :param data: The numerical data associated with the reflectivity measurement. The data has shape :code:`(npnts, ncols)`. :raises ValueError: When :code:`ncols != len(`. """ info: Orso data: Any def __post_init__(self): if[1] != len( raise ValueError("Data has to have the same number of columns as header")
[docs] def header(self) -> str: """ The header string for the ORSO file. :return: Header string. """ out = out += return out
[docs] def diff_header(self, other: "OrsoDataset") -> str: """ Return a header string that only contains changes to other :py:class:`OrsoDataset` ensure that data_set is the first entry. :param other: Other :py:class:`OrsoDataset` to compare against. :return: Header string with only changes. """ out_dict = {"data_set": None} _diff = out_dict.update(_diff) out_dict["data_set"] = out = yaml.dump(out_dict, sort_keys=False) out += return out
[docs] def save(self, fname: Union[TextIO, str]): """ Save the :py:class:`OrsoDataset`. :param fname: The file name to save to. """ return save_orso([self], fname)
def __eq__(self, other: "OrsoDataset"): return == and ( ==
[docs]def save_orso( datasets: List[OrsoDataset], fname: Union[TextIO, str], comment: Optional[str] = None, data_separator: str = "" ) -> None: """ Saves an ORSO file. Each of the datasets must have a unique :py:attr:`` attribute. If that attribute is not set, it is given an integer value corresponding to it's position in the list. :param datasets: List of OrsoDataset to save into the Orso file. :param fname: The file name to save to. :param comment: Comment to write at the top of Orso file. :param data_separator: Optinal string of newline characters to separate multiple datasets. :raises ValueError: If the :py:attr:`` values are not unique. """ # check for valid seperator characters if data_separator != "" and not data_separator.isspace(): raise ValueError("data_separator can only contain new lines and spaces") for idx, dataset in enumerate(datasets): info = data_set = info.data_set if data_set is None or (isinstance(data_set, str) and len(data_set) == 0): # it's not set, or is zero length string info.data_set = idx dsets = [ for dataset in datasets] if len(set(dsets)) != len(dsets): raise ValueError("All `` values must be unique") with _possibly_open_file(fname, "w") as f: header = f"{ORSO_DESIGNATE}\n" if comment is not None: header += f"# {comment}\n" ds1 = datasets[0] header += ds1.header() np.savetxt(f,, header=header, fmt="%-22.16e") for dsi in datasets[1:]: # write an optional spacer string between dataset e.g. \n f.write(data_separator) hi = ds1.diff_header(dsi) np.savetxt(f,, header=hi, fmt="%-22.16e")
[docs]def load_orso(fname: Union[TextIO, str]) -> List[OrsoDataset]: """ :param fname: The Orso file to load. :return: :py:class:`OrsoDataset` objects for each dataset contained within the ORT file. """ dct_list, datas, version = _read_header_data(fname) ods = [] for dct, data in zip(dct_list, datas): o = Orso(**dct) od = OrsoDataset(o, data) ods.append(od) return ods